Thursday, May 29, 2014

Teachers Pay Teachers

So I've been making all these things for my classroom next year and I have decided to start my own Teachers Pay Teachers store! I've only uploaded a couple products so far but I hope to have more and more as the summer goes on. Here's the link to my store.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Exciting Times!

     I figured since this was my first ever blog post I should probably start with a little introduction. My name is Taylor Oliver and I have recently graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne University with my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education (K-6). The past year I was a student teacher in a kindergarten class and I absolutely loved it. Currently, I am a long term substitute in a first grade classroom. My plans for next year have still not been finalized as to where I will be teaching for my first year and what grade level but there is a 99% chance I will have my own kindergarten classroom at the school I student taught at! As you can tell I'm very excited to finally be beginning my career as a teacher and cannot wait to get started in my classroom.
     I've set up this blog as a way for not only myself to blog about my classroom, but also for my students. My goal is to blog at least once a week with my kinders. We will blog about the first day of school, birthdays, holidays, field trips, special achievements, and anything else that they would like to share! At the beginning of the year I will be taking pictures and typing up the blog posts but as the year goes by I would love for my students to be in charge of taking the pictures and maybe even typing the post...I'm still thinking about that one! I want this to be like a window into my classroom. Anyone who follows this blog will be able to see what goes on in our classroom and all the amazing things that may happen.
     This is such an exciting time for me and I can't wait to share everything with you!